Sunday, July 26, 2009


You don't deserve me,
all you want to do is hurt me,
you were my shell &nd I was your pearl,
&nd now you want to do a 360 twirl.

I thought my life was complete when you walked in it,
my friends warned me but my stubborn self went along and did it,
cause when you left
you were the one I missed
&nd now I just sit back and reminisce on what didn't work out,
the love I had for you was strong with out a doubt.

Now all I can do is just sit back in pain and realize
what we had went down the drain,
we both know this is insane, but choices had to be made.
I knew I had to change my ways and be the person you wanted me to be,
trust and believe I tried over time but you just didn't see,
I could have sworn you and me were meant to be.

I loved the way you made me feel inside, you gave me a reason to survive
&nd understand why I was alive.
All I wanted to be was your lady
I know it sounds crazy, but I'm just trying not to let you faze me.
Cause I realize that crying is not the only option,
I got to have the mind state like " I guess I have to accept the fact that I lost him."
but now that your gone I feel so blind.
I guess all I can do is leave it all behind and continue
my journey of life on this road that's so unaligned.
Yeah I understand I was a chapter in your life no need to define,
but now I know "LIFE GOES ON" is this poems headline.

Life goes on Pictures, Images and Photos

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