Sunday, July 26, 2009

termination of tenancy

i found the x..but not the treasure as the map stated
the final destination marked our separation
forcing me to believe that somehow our
union must have been ill fated

we've tried to build a foundation that was 3 yrs in the making
but the inspector shut us down
due to several love violations
u was the slum lord of my heart not willing
to fix the damage left by previous tenants
u offered half ass attempts to patch up the heartache
but u left me swimming
in my broken heart remnants

i agreed to the lease terms
starting on the day we met &nd expiring on the day we died
but the one misunderstanding led to me being charged
a late fee for every tear i've cried
sadness was a violation of our contractual agreement
so you chose not to renew my lease
i came home to find a padlock on ur heart &nd my possessions
thrown out in the street

i tried to appeal ur decision in the highest court of law
begging &nd pleading
to the jury to please force ur heart to make it love me
again like it did before
instead the jury foreman handed down my ultimate fate
guilty of trespassing on your property when it clearly stated
"no vacancy" on the sign that was posted on ur gate

Now im a criminal at large
simply for fallin in love too hard
i'd rather be in a coffin than to
live behind those bars
at least if my soul has ceased i would understand
not having you within my reach

but to be alive and breathing mutual air is too much to
havoc for my mind to wreck

i couldn't pay the judgment assessed so u opted
to take my heart in a Lieu of monetary fees

u won the civil suit &nd retained the rights to every drop
of blood that my heart bleeds
i can never cry for anyone else i cant never emit for
any love legally
i violated the restraining order
&nd now ur the owner of every breath that i breathe

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